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Open foreign exchange platform
Making money is a popular saying. However, most people still feel very mysterious about the risks of opening a platform, what links to pay attention to, and what procedures to go through. Today, big steel teeth, combined with the experience of senior people in the platform construction industry, will talk to you about how to build their own foreign exchange platform.
The foreign exchange platform we are talking about here refers to a platform with overseas company qualifications, legal supervision, genuine MT4 software, liquidity access to the international market, and normal access to funds.
Generally speaking, building a foreign exchange platform requires seven processes:
Choose the company name and register the company overseas
(common licenses include Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Belize and Cyprus), apply for domain names
Apply for genuine MT4 software (can be rented or purchased)
Server erection
Sign construction agreement and connect with foreign exchange liquidity providers
Clearing bridge construction, docking liquidity and MT4 software
Professional financial website and STP foreign exchange platform have been built
Apply for overseas supervision
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2022-08The global economy is still on the road of strong recovery from the epidemic crisis, which is good news before 2022. Less gratifying is that as governments implement new restrictions to cope with the emergence of new variants, the cycle in the coming months will be bumpy, and rising inflation will lead to differences in monetary policy, which may disrupt market order.
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2022-09MT4 rent, MT4 build, MT4 white label, MT4 cracked version, foreign exchange CRM system, MT5 build, MT5 rent, MT5 white label, MT5 cracked version, Tiante technology can help you easily
2022-08Today, I would like to introduce to you a mythical figure in the international financial community. He is mark Westin, a legendary trading master and one of the world's top ten fund managers.
2022-08Commonly known as white mark, this model is similar to the OEM production of commodities, that is, financial institutions or margin companies,
Keywords on this site:Main label application White label construction for novices Main label construction MT4 construction process How to build MT4 MT5 Unable to sub-index
Friendly links:MT4 platform builder MT4 rental MT4 system construction Forex platform construction Forex liquidity Traderknows