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As investors bet that the impact of the escalation of sanctions on the global economy has been reflected in market prices, the global stock market ushered in a big rebound, and the prices of natural gas and crude oil fell.
European and American stock markets soared collectively
The U.S. stock market, which has fallen for days, saw a strong rebound, with gains of more than 2% at the close, of which the S & P 500 index rose 2.57%,
The Dow rose 2.00% and the NASDAQ rose 3.59%, the largest one-day increase in nearly two years.
In the European market, with the help of investors' bottom hunting, European stocks also recovered significantly, with the German Frankfurt stock market up 7.92%,
The largest one-day increase in two years. The French Paris stock market also rose 7.13%, while the UK London stock market rose 3.25%.
International oil prices fell sharply
International oil prices accelerated from recent highs. As of the close of trading, the price of New York light crude oil futures for April delivery fell by more than 12%,
London Brent crude oil futures for delivery in May fell by more than 13%.
There may be two reasons for the fall in oil prices. First, on Wednesday, the International Energy Agency (IEA) announced that the oil reserves released by Member States were 1million barrels higher than previously announced;
In addition, the United Arab Emirates, an OPEC + member state, said on Wednesday that it would urge OPEC to increase production, becoming the first OPEC oil producer to support the expansion of production.
These news have eased investors' concerns about tight supply in the crude oil market.
European natural gas prices fell by more than 30%
European natural gas prices fell sharply. Regarded as the wind direction target of European natural gas prices, the Dutch TTF April natural gas futures price fell 30.32% from the previous trading day,
At 149.50 euros per megawatt hour. Analysts believe that investors take profits and Russia's natural gas supply to Europe remains stable,
As a result, European natural gas prices fell from their recent highs.
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