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Foreign exchange speculation is inseparable from trading software. Some people say MT4 and MT5 platforms, others say MT5 platforms, and others say MT5 is an upgraded version of MT4 and MT5. Is that so? This article introduces the differences between MT4, MT5 and MT5 platforms.
First of all, MT4, MT5 and MT5 platforms are all developed by Russian maidak company. The core slogan of midak is the most popular foreign exchange trading platform, and MT4 and MT5 platforms are mainly targeted at the foreign exchange market. The introduction of the official website of MT5 platform is different, and its support range is relatively wide, including futures, stocks, bonds, etc. Therefore, the core slogan of the official website for MT5 platform is the strongest trading platform in the foreign exchange and financial markets.
The main differences between MT4, MT5 and MT5.
1. Different support ranges.
MT4 and MT5 platforms are mainly focused on foreign exchange trading, and the support range of MT5 platforms supporting CFD trading has expanded, including stocks, futures, bonds, etc.
2. Different market depths.
Traders can understand the market liquidity through the market depth of MT5 platform, MT4 and MT5 platforms with higher transparency and intuition.
3. Order processing is different.
There are only two ways to process orders in MT4 and MT5, either complete transaction or cancel all. MT5 platform allows partial order processing.
4. The way of bill of lading is different.
The common bill of lading methods of MT4 and MT5 platforms include purchase stop loss, sales stop loss, limited price purchase, limited price sale, etc. MT5 platform adds multiple orders to stop loss and blank orders to stop loss at limited price to the four bill of lading methods of MT4 and MT5 platforms. These two new bill of lading methods are purchase or sale at the set entrance.
5. The operating system is different.
The MT4 and MT5 platforms were launched in 2004, and the MT5 platform supporting 32-bit operating system and 4G memory computing was launched in 2010. It supports 64 bit operating system, and the computing speed has increased significantly.
6. The technical indicators are different.
MT4 and MT5 platform technical analysis tools include 30 built-in indicators, providing 24 analysis objects to help traders better analyze price trends. MT5 adds 8 technical indicators on the basis of MT4 and MT5.
The above are the six differences between MT4, MT5 and MT5. MT5 is not an upgraded version of MT4 and MT5, but different in many functions and target market positioning. There are great differences between the two. How to choose MT4, MT5 and MT5 for that investment?
If investors need to conduct a lot of tracking tests online, or want to trade in stock and commodity markets, MT5 platform is a better choice. In addition, MT4 and MT5 platforms are better choices.
Of course, carrots and vegetables have their own preferences. The advantages and disadvantages of MT4, MT5 and MT5 platforms are not just this. For the majority of traders, it is always that sentence, which is the most suitable trading software for themselves.
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