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I EA setting application
First, let's talk about the operation method of intelligent trading system (commonly known as EA).
1. First of all, you can have an EA, which must have EX4 as the extension. If you can only have mq4 documents, you need to use metaeditor, the built-in online editor of MetaTrader, to open it. Only by compiling mq4 according to the compiler and not appearing incorrect, can you get an EX4 document with the same name under the name of the folder where mq4 was originally stored.
2. Copy this EX4 document to the experts folder name under the folder name of MetaTrader 4, for example: D: MetaTrader northfinanceexperts, turn off and turn on MetaTrader 4 again.
3. Right click the EA you want to apply under the "intelligent trading system" under the "navigation bar". Here, take a 10 point profit system as an example, and click "extra to chart", such as:
4. The following pop-up dialog box may appear:
Pay great attention to the selection here. If you don't check "allow instant automatic trading", then your intelligent system is not easy to automatically trade.
5. At the level of fully automatic trading volume, MT also has a master gate, which is in the "options" under the "special tools" laidan:
6. Another area must choose "start":
What turns out to be like that in the picture is that the intelligent trading system has already been started. 7. After completing all the settings above, look at the top right of your chart, and your smart trading system folder name and a smile will appear.
Even today's charts have already opened the intelligent trading system. At this time, you will be able to wait for your intelligent trading system to give your trading account assets. hey!!
8. If you can stop your smart trading system, the best way is to click the "smart trading" sign on the top of this figure.
But in this way, all the smart transactions on all your charts will stop. The smile on the top right of all the charts has turned into a fork:
If you stop the EA on the chart today, you should press F7, and the following dialog box will pop up:
Click to remove the check in front of "allow instant automatic trading", and then make it clear that that will stop the EA on today's chart. A "mourning face" will appear on the top of the chart:
If you want to completely clear the EA on the top of today's chart, you can right-click the chart area, and the following will appear:
Click "intelligent trading system", and then click "clear". Then this EA will be deleted from the top of today's chart, and the top right of MT4 and MT5 rental chart will be blank.
The foundation shows that:
1. Foreign exchange trading smart phone software (EA) applied to MT4 and mt5ea platforms
2. Applicable to eur/usd currency pair, 15 minute cycle time chart.
3. After loading the mobile phone software of MT4 and MT5 platforms and setting it (the setting method can be found on the Internet, and you can also immediately consult the store owner), it can replace you to carry out foreign exchange investment according to certain countermeasures (the countermeasure optimization algorithm is analyzed according to many classic technical indicators that are reasonable today), so as to prevent high-risk irrational trading caused by your emotional fluctuations.
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