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There are too many uncertain factors in the financial system, and many regions are considered when trading all financial products. The risk control intelligent management system rented by MT4 and MT5 platforms carries out multi-level monitor analysis on the trading platform, timely handles risks and gives early warning information, and adopts countermeasures to avoid risks, manipulate damage, migrate risks and bear risks according to different risk conditions, Ensure the smooth operation of the trading platform. With the development trend of the trading and sales market, various purposeful risk avoidance plug-ins continue to be released, and the original black swan plug-ins around the world have also been released one after another.
Risk control intelligent management system includes: risk hedging trading system software, transaction order monitor, customer account monitor, price monitoring, black swan plug-in, anti peeling plug-in, explosion-proof warehouse plug-in
MT4 and MT5 risk control plug-ins include:
Hedging transaction Bridge
According to the fix agreement, create a contact between the trading platform and the liquidity service provider, and hedge the trading order in the trading platform to the liquidity service provider.
Tiante financial anti peeling plug-in
It is a series of plug-ins, which can automatically detect, solve and reduce their personal behavior risks.
Convergence Bridge
The applicable trading platform also connects several external liquidity dealers, including the migration of sales market data information from liquidity dealers to trading platforms, and the hedging of order information from trading platforms to liquidity, so as to profit from the best price in the sales market. At that moment.
Blackstone plug-in
When applied in the Blackstone vicious event, the damage to each other should be minimized by a method acceptable to artists, brokers and traders, and the settlement bankruptcy of securities companies caused by the black swan event should be prevented.
Final multi account management (umam)
The account management mechanism similar to pamm is applicable. Investors with rich experience are the clients of beginners or customers who have no time to invest in projects and transactions. The clients get part of the profits from the transactions as the remuneration of management methods.
Price monitoring
Used to cause the loss of fraudulent transactions when terminating the price.
Explosion proof warehouse plug-in
It is used to limit the risk and damage of customers to attract customers. When the net value of the fund reaches a certain threshold level, close all order information in the account and transfer to the write protection account. The account can be stimulated again only with the permission of the management personnel.
Statistical analysis of market data and risk control management methods for technology majors
In the risk control intelligent management system of MT4 and MT5 platforms, investors can enjoy the required profits only by distinguishing the trading direction of products and whether they will fall or rise in the future. In fact, MT4 and MT5 platforms also require investors to analyze the technicality and master all sales markets. From one minute to one week, this may be trading time.
Therefore, special trading tools such as MT4 and MT5 platforms are increasingly favored by investors. In addition, the MT4 and MT5 platforms developed and designed by Tiante financial technology also provide trading companies with high-speed information prices, technical index analysis index value database, rich and colorful mapping tools and 24 small
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